Hello, I'm Zarleen. This site is a tribute to my father, Ed Moss, jazz pianist extraordinaire, who was born in Huntington, West Virginia on November 21, 1940. He passed away early in the morning on September 9th, 2016. He lived an amazing life full of music, food, fine establishments, and more. I wanted to have a place where people could contribute and share, and therefore grieve and feel more connected to both Ed and each other.
Please use this page to upload and share photos, music, thoughts, condolences, or stories about Ed. By uploading files and sharing pictures, hope you don't mind if they are used for his memorial/life celebration which will be announced, in the coming weeks, when I have more details.
Heaps of love to you all and thank you in advance for your contributions.
There will b a small family funeral on Friday, September 16th. If I have not already contacted you, and you feel that you were exceptionally close to Ed & it is important to you to be there, please reach out to me to see if there is still space. Otherwise, please stay tuned for updates about his memorial coming up in the next month or so.
If you would like to help with funeral costs and to ease the considerable financial burden, left behind in his passing, please go to Ed's gofundme page: ihttps://www.gofundme.com/Ed-Moss
Any help is so very appreciated!